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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-11    來源:中國(guó)外文局




1. 北斗衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“北斗系統(tǒng)”)是中國(guó)著眼于國(guó)家安全和經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)發(fā)展需要,自主建設(shè)、獨(dú)立運(yùn)行的衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)。

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) is a project built and operated by China as a component of the country's national security and economic and social development strategy.

2. 新時(shí)代的中國(guó)北斗,展現(xiàn)了中國(guó)實(shí)現(xiàn)高水平科技自立自強(qiáng)的志氣和骨氣,展現(xiàn)了中國(guó)人民獨(dú)立自主、自力更生、艱苦奮斗、攻堅(jiān)克難的精神和意志,展現(xiàn)了中國(guó)特色社會(huì)主義集中力量辦大事的制度優(yōu)勢(shì),展現(xiàn)了胸懷天下、立己達(dá)人的中國(guó)擔(dān)當(dāng)。

In the new era, BDS demonstrates China's resolve and confidence in striving for greater strength and self-reliance in science and technology. It embodies the Chinese people's spirit and commitment to independence and self-reliance in overcoming difficulties through hard work, showcases the strength of China's socialist system in pooling resources on major projects, and epitomizes China's global vision and its sense of responsibility in helping others to achieve common development.

3. 作為負(fù)責(zé)任的航天大國(guó),中國(guó)不斷提高北斗系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行管理水平,保障系統(tǒng)連續(xù)穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行、保持系統(tǒng)性能穩(wěn)步提升、保證系統(tǒng)信息公開透明,確保系統(tǒng)持續(xù)、健康、快速發(fā)展,提供高穩(wěn)定、高可靠、高安全、高質(zhì)量的時(shí)空信息服務(wù)。

As a major player in the aerospace industry that takes its responsibilities seriously, China continues to improve BDS operation management and the system's performance. It ensures continuous and stable operation, open and transparent information, and sustained, healthy and rapid development of the BDS system, so as to provide reliable, secure and high-quality spatiotemporal information services.

4. 新時(shí)代的中國(guó)北斗,堅(jiān)持在發(fā)展中應(yīng)用、在應(yīng)用中發(fā)展,不斷夯實(shí)產(chǎn)品基礎(chǔ)、拓展應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域、完善產(chǎn)業(yè)生態(tài),持續(xù)推廣北斗規(guī)?;瘧?yīng)用,推動(dòng)北斗應(yīng)用深度融入國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展全局,促進(jìn)北斗應(yīng)用產(chǎn)業(yè)健康發(fā)展,為經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)發(fā)展注入強(qiáng)大動(dòng)力。

In the new era, China has synergized the development and application of BDS. It has made continuous efforts to refine the products supporting the BDS industry, expand application fields, improve the industry ecosystem, and promote large-scale applications. BDS applications have been better integrated into the overall development of the national economy to promote the sound development of the BDS applications industry, so as to inject strong impetus into socioeconomic development.

5. 新時(shí)代的中國(guó)北斗,堅(jiān)持制度創(chuàng)新、機(jī)制創(chuàng)新、發(fā)展創(chuàng)新,完善政策法規(guī),優(yōu)化組織管理,厚植人才優(yōu)勢(shì),以改革創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動(dòng)科技創(chuàng)新,充分發(fā)揮有效市場(chǎng)和有為政府作用,不斷提升現(xiàn)代化治理水平。

China constantly upgrades its BDS governance in the new era. It has made consistent efforts to bring forward innovative ideas on systems, mechanisms and development methods, to improve policies and regulations, to optimize organization and management, to build up strengths in high-caliber professionals, to promote technological innovation through reform, and to better combine a well-functioning market with competent government.

6. 中國(guó)堅(jiān)持開放融合、協(xié)調(diào)合作、兼容互補(bǔ)、成果共享,積極開展北斗系統(tǒng)國(guó)際合作,推進(jìn)北斗應(yīng)用國(guó)際化進(jìn)程,讓北斗系統(tǒng)更好服務(wù)全球、造福人類,助力構(gòu)建人類命運(yùn)共同體。

Following the principles of openness, integration, coordination, cooperation, compatibility, complementarity and sharing, China has carried out active international cooperation on BDS and advanced its international applications. This will enable the system to better serve the world, benefit humanity, and contribute to building a global community of shared future.

7. 從夜觀“北斗”到建用“北斗”,從仰望星空到經(jīng)緯時(shí)空,中國(guó)北斗未來可期、大有可為。

From observing Beidou (Chinese pinyin for the Big Dipper) to developing and using BDS, from gazing at the stars to utilizing the space, the Chinese people have shown their great potential and created a promising future.

8. 宇宙廣袤,容得下各國(guó)共同開發(fā)利用;星海浩瀚,需要全人類合作探索。

The universe is vast enough to accommodate exploration and utilization by all countries; by the same token, it demands global cooperation. 

9. 中國(guó)愿同各國(guó)共享北斗系統(tǒng)建設(shè)發(fā)展成果,共促世界衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航事業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展,攜手邁向更加廣闊的星辰大海,為構(gòu)建人類命運(yùn)共同體、建設(shè)更加美好的世界作出新的更大貢獻(xiàn)。

China is ready to share its achievements in developing BDS, and it will work with all countries to promote the development of navigation satellite systems, venture into deeper space, and make an even greater contribution to building a global community of shared future and a better world.


1. 北斗衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)

BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)

2. 北斗三號(hào)全球衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)


3. 中圓地球軌道衛(wèi)星

Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite

4. 地球靜止軌道衛(wèi)星

Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite

5. 傾斜地球同步軌道衛(wèi)星

Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellite

6. 高彈性、高智能、高精度、高安全的定位導(dǎo)航授時(shí)服務(wù)

flexible, smart, precise and secure navigation, positioning and timing services

7. 短報(bào)文通信

short message communication

8. 地基增強(qiáng)

ground-based augmentation

9. 星基增強(qiáng)

satellite-based augmentation

10. 全球動(dòng)態(tài)分米級(jí)高精度定位導(dǎo)航

global decimeter-level positioning and navigation

11. 中高軌混合異構(gòu)星座

a hybrid navigation constellation in medium and high earth orbits

12. 星間鏈路

inter-satellite links

13. 導(dǎo)航定位功能

navigation and positioning function

14. 通信數(shù)傳功能

communication function

15. 基本導(dǎo)航信息

basic navigation information

16. 差分增強(qiáng)信息

differential augmentation information

17. 北斗系統(tǒng)星間星地一體組網(wǎng)

BDS integrated inter-satellite and satellite-ground network

18. 《全面加強(qiáng)北斗系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)化應(yīng)用發(fā)展總體方案》

Overall Plan for Comprehensively Promoting BDS Industrial Applications

19. 慣性導(dǎo)航

inertial navigation

20. 視覺導(dǎo)航

visual navigation

21. 大數(shù)據(jù)

big data

22. 物聯(lián)網(wǎng)

the internet of things

23. 人工智能

artificial intelligence

24. 工程、應(yīng)用、國(guó)際合作“三位一體”協(xié)同推進(jìn)機(jī)制

a mechanism for promoting the coordinated progress of the project, its applications, and international cooperation

25. 衛(wèi)星頻率軌道資源管理

management of satellite radio frequencies and orbits

26. 衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航科技創(chuàng)新動(dòng)力機(jī)制

a mechanism for propelling innovation in satellite navigation technology

27. 全球衛(wèi)星導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)國(guó)際委員會(huì)

International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)

28. 聯(lián)合國(guó)空間科技教育亞太區(qū)域中心(中國(guó))

Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) affiliated to the United Nations

29. 北斗國(guó)際交流培訓(xùn)中心

BeiDou International Exchange and Training Center

30. 北斗船載接收設(shè)備檢測(cè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

official standards for BDS shipborne receiver equipment